Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

Application Letter

Dika Pambudi, SE
JL. Lorisakti RT 06 RW 01 No. 22
Bekasi Utara, Kota Bekasi
(021) 88971039, 087884972794

Bekasi, December 28th 2016

Attention To :
Personel Manager of PT Talkindo Selaksa Anugrah
PT Talkindo Selaksa Anugrah
Jl. Kawasan Pergudangan Taman Tekno BSD,
Blok D1 No.11, Serpong Tangerang Selatan

Dear Sir / Madam,

     In accordance with the official information for jobs in PT Anugrah Talkindo Selaksa I got from the website http://loker-id.com/. I intend to join and fill the vacancy in the position.

   I'm twenty-three years old male, fresh graduates from the University of Gunadarma, majoring in Accounting. Single, in a healthy condition and good in the English language. I was also able to operate the computer office applications such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS access, Zahir Accounting 6 SMM (System Management Mode) and MYOB Accounting v8, v19. Honesty is always my priority. Although I latest graduated, I can carry out the tasks that will be given either a team or individual with the spirit and my knowledge.
   Thus the cover letter, for more information about my self, i enclose my resume and curricullum vitae. I hope with this applying letter, Sir / Madam can cosider me, given the opportunity to interview and join to a company.

Best regards,

Dika Pambudi, SE

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